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How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan_AutoRABIT

How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan

How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan_AutoRABIT

Adopting a strategic approach to conducting security code scans provides the infrastructure and support needed to confidently produce reliable Salesforce DevOps projects.

Why It Matters: Data security is a constant concern for IT professionals. Threats are always evolving and growing in scale and complexity.

  • Cybercrime is expected to cost companies around the world $9.5 trillion in 2024.
  • Coding errors can create data security vulnerabilities through bugs, errors, and misfires.

Here are 7 ways to perform an effective security code scan in Salesforce DevOps:

  1. Automate as Much as Possible
  2. Scan at Regular Intervals
  3. Scan Dependencies for Vulnerabilities
  4. Don’t Forget the Metadata
  5. Perform Penetration Tests
  6. Have an Incident Response Plan
  7. Scan for Compliance Requirements

1. Automate as Much as Possible

Manual processes are prone to small mistakes with huge consequences. Even our most talented team members are liable to miss something, and this can result in data security vulnerabilities.

Automating repetitive security code scans ensures the first line of code that is reviewed receives the same level of attention as the last one.

Automation eliminates the risks associated with fatigue. And when it comes to data security, you need to be consistent to achieve the levels of protection you need.

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2. Scan at Regular Intervals

How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan_AutoRABIT

Clear expectations make it much easier to institute repeatable processes. And when it comes to data security in a Salesforce DevOps pipeline, repeated testing is the best way to ensure there aren’t any costly or damaging consequences down the line.

Scanning your code at every merge, integration, or update will provide the coverage you need to guarantee an effective security code scan.

Moving into the next DevOps stage with clean code streamlines the integration process and makes deploying changes much smoother and more reliable.

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3. Scan Dependencies for Vulnerabilities

Scanning for security vulnerabilities in your code is a great place to start, but it isn’t the only area of your Salesforce environment that should be investigated for potential vulnerabilities. Third-party tools connected to your platform could also introduce areas that could be exploited by bad actors.

Leverage an automated scanning tool to check third-party libraries or dependencies within your Salesforce environment for adherence to security best practices.

Regularly updating these dependencies provides a stable infrastructure that allows your code scanning tool to operate without interference.

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4. Don’t Forget the Metadata

How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan_AutoRABIT

Every action within your Salesforce environment creates metadata. And when it comes to security, this metadata needs to be protected as vigorously as other types of sensitive data. Failing to do so can lead to the exposure of protected information and compliance failures.

Scan your metadata for proper structures and to ensure interrelated dependencies are maintained when copying or moving the information to new environments.

It’s easy to forget about metadata since it exists in the background, but it needs to be protected to achieve a successful Salesforce data security strategy.

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5. Perform Penetration Tests

Sometimes to protect against cyberattacks, you have to think like a cybercriminal. This is where penetration testing comes in. This practice involves simulating real-world attacks on a system to identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.

Perform penetration tests on your Salesforce applications to identify and address potential vulnerabilities that might not be caught by automated scans alone.

This comprehensive approach gives you the best chance at finding and fixing vulnerabilities before they are exploited.

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6. Have an Incident Response Plan

It is crucial to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. And although it might be unpleasant to put yourself in the shoes of someone who has experienced a catastrophic data breach, it will help you put together a plan to best navigate this scenario if it ever happens.

Develop a robust incident response plan in case a security issue is identified. Knowing how to react and mitigate security threats promptly are crucial for effective security in Salesforce DevOps.

Security code scans are only one aspect of a holistic Salesforce data security strategy. Covering all your bases will help each aspect function properly.

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7. Scan for Compliance Requirements

How to Perform an Effective Security Code Scan_AutoRABIT

Compliance with data security regulations will vary for every industry, organization, and location. However, you can be sure that there will be at least some stipulations for how you handle sensitive information.

Use an automated scanner to ensure that your Salesforce DevOps practices adhere to industry and regulatory compliance standards.

Verifying proper practices enables you to institute reliable processes that achieve both your security and compliance goals.

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Next Step…

Static code analysis is a critical aspect of performing reliable, repeatable security code scans. The tools you use in your Salesforce DevOps pipeline have a massive impact on your success.

Read more about how these tools support quality and security in our blog, How Can Salesforce CI/CD Boost Data Quality?

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What is the purpose of performing security code scans in Salesforce DevOps?

Data security should always be top of mind. Failing to protect data leads to lost money, time, and trust. DevOps teams should perform security code scans to proactively identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in the application’s codebase. By integrating static code analysis tools and conducting regular automated scans, development teams can identify security issues early in the development life cycle. This ensures that security concerns are addressed before deployment, reducing the risk of exposing sensitive data or falling victim to cyberthreats.

How often should I run automated security scans in my Salesforce DevOps pipeline?

Security scans should be included in your continuous integration process, ensuring scans are performed with every code commit. Additionally, scheduled daily or weekly scans can catch evolving security threats. Frequent scans are essential for identifying vulnerabilities early, maintaining a proactive security stance, and aligning with the principles of DevSecOps. Adjust the frequency based on the project’s size, complexity, and the need for rapid detection and remediation of potential security issues.

What steps should be included in an incident response plan for addressing security issues in Salesforce DevOps?

An incident response plan should start with defining roles and responsibilities within the team. Clearly outline the communication channels and escalation procedures. Establish a protocol for identifying and classifying security incidents as they are found. Include a rapid containment strategy, ensuring the affected areas are isolated to prevent further damage. Develop a comprehensive plan for investigation, analysis, and documentation of the incident. Additionally, incorporate measures for timely resolution, system recovery, and continuous improvement based on lessons learned from the security incident.

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