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Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security_AutoRABIT

Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security?

Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security_AutoRABIT

Code scanning tools are a critical aspect of a comprehensive Salesforce data security plan. A strategy that doesn’t incorporate this component is woefully incomplete.

Why It Matters: Data security is an ever-changing consideration. InfoSec teams need to use the latest tools and tactics to secure their data.

Here are 8 reasons code scanning tools need to be part of your Salesforce data security strategy:

  1. Automation Is More Reliable
  2. Weak Code Creates Vulnerabilities
  3. Sensitive Data Requires Risk Mitigation
  4. Seamless Integration with CI/CD Tools
  5. Simplified Scalability + Consistency
  6. Faster Production Cycles Increase Flexibility
  7. Early Detection of Errors Decreases Cost
  8. Documentation of Compliance Adherence

1. Automation Is More Reliable

Code reviews are a nonnegotiable aspect of developing applications and updates. But when these reviews are performed manually, you leave yourself open to unnecessary errors that could have massive consequences.

Automated code reviews don’t grow tired or make simple mistakes.

Code review tools give the ten-thousandth line of code the same level of attention as the tenth. Manual reviews can’t guarantee this level of focused coverage.

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2. Weak Code Creates Vulnerabilities

Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security_AutoRABIT

When these errors squeak through to production, data security vulnerabilities can be introduced to a live application.

Simple coding errors create misfires that can result in faulty processes or even back doors to your platform, which can be exploited by cybercriminals.

Threats to your Salesforce data aren’t always malicious. Something as simple as a misfire can route data to the wrong place and create costly issues.

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3. Sensitive Data Requires Risk Mitigation

The best way to avoid negative outcomes is to lessen your exposure to vulnerabilities. Code scanning tools offer total coverage over your code so you can fix these errors long before they have a chance to create data security issues.

Automated scans flag these issues to eliminate risk before these errors get anywhere near your sensitive data.

Code scanning tools mitigate risks associated with data breaches, protecting sensitive customer information, and maintaining the trust of users.

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4. Seamless Integration with CI/CD Tools

Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security_AutoRABIT

Salesforce DevSecOps requires a comprehensive approach to see the most benefit. Approaching data security from all angles gives you the best chance at avoiding a costly outage or breach.

Code scanning tools integrate with a CI/CD pipeline to further streamline automated testing and seamless integration of coding updates.

This facilitates the adoption of security as part of the development process without disrupting the speed of delivery.

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5. Simplified Scalability + Consistency

Every organization wants to grow. This will inevitably involve the expansion of your IT infrastructure as your team and business contacts increase.

Automating the verification of proper coding structures enables your team to expand their offerings without mishandling critical data.

As your Salesforce org grows and evolves, code scanning tools provide scalable security checks and ensure consistent security standards across various development projects and teams.

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6. Faster Production Cycles Increase Flexibility

Business considerations can change quickly. Your team might recognize a missing functionality, or a data security vulnerability could be noticed in an application. There are plenty of reasons why a speedy and reliable production cycle is critical to a safe platform.

Automated code reviews increase the time to market for new applications, updates, and patches, enabling teams to address needs in real time.

Being first to market with a new functionality is great, but the real benefits come from reliable security.

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7. Early Detection of Errors Decreases Cost

Are You Leveraging Code Scan Tools for Data Security_AutoRABIT

Every second between noticing a data security vulnerability and fixing it equates to money lost.

Automated security checks save time and reduce the cost associated with manual security audits or post-deployment fixes.

Identifying security issues early in the development process through code scanning tools significantly reduces the time taken to remediate these issues, preventing delays in deployment cycles.

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8. Documentation of Compliance Adherence

Failing to accomplish the requirements of data security regulation can lead to fines and penalties. And even worse, it can lead to a loss of confidence from consumers.

Reports and dashboards generated by DevSecOps tools provide the documentation needed in the event of a compliance audit.

Automated tools with the power to scan for predefined policies ensure adherence to compliance standards like GDPR, HIPAA, or industry-specific regulations, minimizing the chances of noncompliance fines or penalties.

Next Step…

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Code scanning tools are an essential aspect of a Salesforce data security strategy. And as data security trends evolve, the best tools will match this evolution with new functionalities.

Read our blog, The Evolution of Our Salesforce Code Quality Monitoring Tools, to learn more about how recent updates to CodeScan better serve organizations in their attempts to secure their Salesforce environments.

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How are code scanning tools integrated into a dev environment?

There are a few ways to integrate code scanning tools into your development environment. Usually, integration involves incorporating these tools directly into the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or the Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. This enables dev teams to scan code as it’s written or committed, providing real-time feedback to developers about potential issues, bugs, or vulnerabilities. This helps teams enforce coding standards, enhance code quality, and facilitate early detection of issues—saving time, effort, and money.

Are there any data security risks associated with utilizing a code scanning tool?

Improper configurations of any tool or third-party application have the potential to pose data security risks. These risks could include exposure of sensitive code snippets or intellectual property to the tool’s vendor in certain cases, especially if the tool operates in a cloud-based environment. Additionally, if the tool lacks robust security measures, it might become an entry point for malicious attacks or inadvertently expose vulnerabilities during its scanning process. That’s why it’s important to thoroughly vet your code scanning tools. Here’s a blog that explains what you need to look for when sourcing these tools.

How can I get the most from my code scanning tool?

As with any Salesforce DevSecOps tool, it’s important to use it with care and intentionality. The first thing every team should do is thoroughly understand the tool’s features and functionality. Clear guidelines must be established for how the tool is to be used, in which scenarios, and by whom. Initial setup of the tool is important to realize the maximum benefits—as well as the overall security—of the tool itself. Stay on top of updates and security patches to ensure you aren’t leaving yourself vulnerable to attacks. And always update user permissions when team members move to new positions.

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