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Static Code Analysis Tools

Salesforce Data Security

How Does Code Quality Affect Salesforce Data Security?

BLOG Salesforce data security should be a constant concern. The consequences of a data breach or data loss event can be very expensive while also interrupting your ability to remain in operations. The threats facing your Salesforce environment are constantly evolving so you need to cover your bases in every way possible. This includes tactics […]

How Does Code Quality Affect Salesforce Data Security? Read More »

Benefits of Utilizing Static Code Analysis Tools in Salesforce_autoRABIT

7 Benefits of Utilizing Static Code Analysis Tools in Salesforce

BLOG 7 Benefits of Using Salesforce Static Code Analysis Tools The code that makes up your Salesforce development projects will impact much more than simply the functionality of the finalized product: Failing to streamline operations wastes team member time, reducing the ROI for each project. Fixing errors and bugs in later stages of the DevOps pipeline increases

7 Benefits of Utilizing Static Code Analysis Tools in Salesforce Read More »