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We’ve Got Your Back(up)

Options for selecting a backup and recovery solution for Salesforce are:

  • On-premise enterprise storage
  • General purpose cloud backup solutions
  • Backup and Recovery purpose-built for Salesforce

On-premise backup and recovery solutions managed by IT may be available in the enterprise. However, backing up Salesforce data to on-premise storage can be slow and unwieldy.

General-purpose cloud backup solutions do not provide an effective way of maintaining the multi-level parent-child relationships found in layered hierarchies of Salesforce data. Additionally, a real glaring deficiency is the inability to manage metadata.

AutoRABIT provides Enterprise-Class Cloud Backup and Recovery for Salesforce

AutoRABIT Vault™ is a cloud-based solution that delivers the ability to backup and instantly recover data, metadata, attachments, chatter feeds, knowledge articles, and all the rich content to reinstate the complete Salesforce experience. It also maintains hierarchical data integrity.

Key reasons to select Vault:

  •  It’s the Most Robust and Dependable Backup & Recovery Solution Built for Salesforce – Designed by the leading DevOps provider for Salesforce, AutoRABIT. It has applied experience from completing hundreds of deployments and data migrations to deliver a reliable, dependable, and robust backup and recovery tool.
  • Ability to Backup and Recover What’s Most Important to Salesforce – Backup and instantly recover, data, metadata, file attachments, chatter feeds, knowledge articles, and all the rich content to reinstate the complete Salesforce experience.

Meets IT and Regulatory Compliance Needs – Meet IT policy and regulatory requirements and industry-specific compliance. With Vault, your backup intervals can be as frequent as every five minutes. As a cloud-based backup and recovery solution, Vault delivers the fastest recovery time in the industry.

Where do you go from here?

It is vital to remember that most organizations are going to need to arrange their own backup and recovery solutions. Relying on Salesforce Data Recovery is no longer an option. Now is the right time for the Salesforce Admin Team, IT Audit and Compliance, as well as Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Managers to meet to validate data protection, security and compliance needs of the company. It is also the time to evaluate and recognize the impact of data loss as it applies to the operation of the Salesforce instances.

Start the process now to select an enterprise backup and recovery solution that meets the needs of the organization and is also ideal for the way that Salesforce operates. AutoRABIT is available to provide more information and expertise in this area.

Contact us for a demo or more information.