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You Think All Salesforce Data is Created Equal?

Having the Right Development Tools at Your Command

Developers tend to expect their integrated development environment (IDE) to include everything they need to enhance productivity. A source code editor, build automation tools, testing and debugging capabilities make up a wish list for a well-stocked tool chest.

AutoRABIT Web IDE Simplifies Salesforce DevOps

As a browser-based IDE, AutoRABIT’s Web IDE provides a solution that is purpose-built for Salesforce and particularly useful for cloud application development. It specifically reduces developer reliance on desktop-based environments, and as part of AutoRABIT’s Automated Release Management (ARM) platform, the Web IDE capabilities support all the preferred Developer tools like Version ControlCode AnalysisTest Automation as well as Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

Aligned with Salesforce CodeBuilder

AutoRABIT recently launched VS Code extensions, similar to Salesforce CodeBuilder, powered by Microsoft’s Visual Studio Codespaces. If your personal preference isn’t the VS Code experience, and you are used to Workbench or Developer Console, AutoRABIT’s Web IDE brings capabilities that enhance developer control and productivity benefitting the entire CI/CD process. This added capability enables developers to migrate components, as an alternative to moving them from one org to another. This proves beneficial when moving specific components, instead of the copy/paste alternative, which results in a difficult to track migration.

Enable Fast and Easy Changes

Developers no longer need to take the long road around the deployment process to make small updates. AutoRABIT’s Web IDE supports selective commits for partial components, all the way down to specific lines of code. The net result of this version control level is that even these smaller steps have a significant impact on saving developers time.

Having the Right Development Tools at Your Command
AutoRABIT Web IDE enables developers to make commits through Version Control and then inject them into a managed CI/CD flow.

This process includes version control, allowing even the most granular changes to become part of the complete CI/CD process, logging and tracking them for versioning, including them in the code checking process, and eventual deployment.

All the Right Tools in all the Right Places

For developers who want to deploy only one user story or even migrate a particular feature, the AutoRABIT Web IDE is that companion solution that is quickly invoked anytime, anyplace, via a browser interface. Accelerate your DevOps CI/CD process for Salesforce by leveraging the combined power of AutoRABIT ARM and Web IDE – both purpose built, and metadata aware.

Contact us to set up a demo or learn more about AutoRABIT.